An amazing love story
February 2007 I was working at an American company, I did not have the contract yet, April 2007 you appeared as the new UK manager, and had an job interview with me, you were amazed by me at first sight
So I got my contract and worked for you taking care of UK and Ireland.
We always got along great and had fun as colleagues, I was working part time, you started to look for s.o. for full time, as I found out I got mad…..
But we did still work together, and you visited the German office often and all colleagues went out often and we enjoyed the company
July 2010 you asked if I got time for dinner since you coming in one day early to Germany …I agreed, it was fun, we talked a lot about family and other stuff
2 days later you wanted me and my friend to party, since I had a drive home we decided I sleep over at my friends house….but I slept over in your Hotel room….we made love…and you said I Love You. I was chocked; you took it back, that this was you just felt at the moment. But you did mean it…you waited for this moment so long
Day after you told me, sorry, and it shouldn’t have happened…you never leave you family…ok with me.
But you contacted me again the following Friday, you were travelling to the US. And we started MSN chat and you were in love mode. You told me you are compressive compulsive, and I was happy…since I am very confused myself, so you would understand me.
We chatted a lot more often, about your wife, family and you told me you are in love with me and stopped loving your wife long ago…. I never asked you to divorce her, I was not too happy with the thought. But you have done it for yourself
You moved out from your home and we started visiting each other …you met my boys, I met your lovely kids.
We had a relationship…..with a lot of ups and downs, due to missing, you pushing, it took my a while to let down my walls, but you were patient
We had great times, also confusing times, you said painful…due to the distance and due to the communication…yes, it was a big mistake to discuss issues on a chat message….too many misunderstandings. And due to my explosive me it was painful for you. I said a lot of things I could never really take back, they been burnt in your brain.
We wanted to continue this journey, you rather have me this way then not at all. We loved each other. We made plans, I was ready to move to the UK
I changed jobs, due to problems at work, and as I got quitted I fell in a hole….you did help but not seen how scared I was and I reproached you, due to you as a manager could influence I was not fair.
Luckily I found right away another job, and the relationship got more relaxed,not being colleagues anymore, we could be more open as you were in germany, no more fear to hide it.
You stayed at my place, no more hotels and we had a sort of normal life in the days you were here and we were working….not just party weekends with no responsibility. I loved it. It was so real.
Last summer I spent with you and the kids in the UK, I got to meet your mom, and she is wonderful. The weeks got me thinking a lot, I had to change my temper, back in germany I went to my doc and got addresses for therapists. My first appointment was in week 38. I did not tell you, I wanted to do it for myself..and us, but not for you. I only had 2 meetings, and did not control my temper again as I felt hurt…..about a stupid chat comment about the cat. I did hurt you very much in the emails they followed after….I wanted to break up, took it back, but it was too late.
But now you broke up, not loving me anymore you said, too much pain, I worn you down,
It must have been a slow process, I do not believe you can just shut off love, and this is what hurts, you could not talk to me on our autumn holidays, you had to do this before, by mail….
Herewith the amazing love story ends? You waited so long for this, worked real hard to get my walls down and I did fell utterly in love with you. This love was/ is special, you told me you never had a bigger love.
This amazing love story has its end now…… return.
You moved on
Long road ahead…no looking back……