Warum hattest Du keine Geduld?

Liebe Vivia,

auch ich will loslassen. Und es muss irgendwie funktionieren. Ich versuche es schon seit acht Monaten. Eine Zeitlang ist es gut gegangen, jetzt bin ich wieder nur am jammern.

Wie gemein. Hoffe, dass dieser Abend bald vorbei ist.

Aber ich finde es gut, dass du ihm nicht mehr schreiben wirst. Ich habe das auch nicht getan und die Kontaktsperre ist das einzig Richtige.

Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft! Und alles Gute für 2013

31.12.2012 20:55 • #16

Danke uffi
ein besseres neues 2013.....
Ich bin zurückgelassen worden...so fühlt es sich an
stehe in der Brandung und der sichere Fels auf dem ich stand wurde weggeschwemmt...
Ich denke ich brauch auch noch sooooo viel zeit.. Er weiss gar nicht wie sehr ich ihn vermisse u wuerd es nicht verstehen

01.01.2013 12:21 • #17


Warum hattest Du keine Geduld?

x 3

Hallo liebes herzblut...wie ist es dir an sylvester ergangen? ich hoffe alles ganz OK bei dir.....

01.01.2013 17:29 • #18

It’s all over!
I must live my own life but what happens if I abandoned mine for yours? Almost two years …….. and I think I cope with that already but when I look into my inner then I see nothing but lies to myself, how hard it is and especially how my heart suffers !
For you I would have died, there had been nothing that I have not done for you. I must accept that it has to start new somewhere else
I will not let you see how bad I feel, the mountains I have to fight, above all, I am too weak to climb on it … what would you think? you're always the winner.....
There are things that are irreplaceable, to me it is something like you've been but I can not forget how broken I am .
I like to stay or turn around and not make one more step - you know the saying “love never stops, it just makes a pause sometimes” do you think so? No, because I'm too scared about the love, you gave me strength and courage but all what you gave me in almost two years is not stable.

01.01.2013 18:39 • #19

ich wollte ihm noch etwas mit aus seinem weg gehen, den er nun eingeschlagen hat
ich kann es auf seine Art tun:
ich bin ein tempramentvoler mensch und habe ihn zerstört, ich habe eine Therapie schwer nötig, ich kann nicht kumunizieren, es hätte sich nie etwas geändert
ich sage es aber in meinen Worten:
es tut mir leid dass er nicht stark genug ist, und unsere Liebe nur für den Moment galt, und nicht mein themprament überstanden hat,
ich habe hilfe für mich angenommen, weil ICH es wollte, nicht wegen ihm, wegen der verarbeitung vieler dinge in meinem jungen leben, es war dabei sich viel zu ändern, er hat es nicht gesehen, er hat leider nicht kommuniziert, er hat für sich entschieden und mich nicht wissen lassen bis es zu spät war.
Leider war die Liebe nicht echt, nicht dauerhaft nicht groß genug, denn sonst wäre sie auch bei ihm noch da.

02.01.2013 09:05 • #20

You don't know how much i miss you
or how much i really care
your like a dream
i open my eyes
to find that your not there

i wish that i could meet you
to see how much fun you are
so that you could hold me
but your destination is too far

i wish that i could touch you...
.i want you to touch me too
my heart is crying out for you
what am i to do?

i miss your friendly presence
you've got me thinking. '*beep*!'
you don't know how much i want you
but you're no where near i am...

02.01.2013 12:23 • #21

I've been loving you for such a long time
Expecting nothing in return
Just for you to have a little faith in me
You know time, time is our friend
I will hold you up, I will hold you up
Your love gaves me strength enough

wie geht es euch?
mein Abend war nicht so doll.....aber der hat erst angefangen.....

03.01.2013 19:28 • #22

Drinking an early morning coffee
As I so often do.
I find my mind wandering, thinking
Longing thoughts of you.

I go about my day doing
All the usual things.
But you are always there
Forever creeping in.

When the night arrives and
It's time to go to bed.
Even when I sleep
you're always in my head.

Dreaming all night long
Sweet and loving thoughts.
Daylight comes again once more
Now I can daydream as before!

03.01.2013 19:29 • #23

........wastin' my time........

04.01.2013 17:19 • #24

More and more I understand,
It is not about me, not at all.
Just like you did before, with your wife, you were waiting for the perfect situation, due to you being weak and not strong to face your life
You wished Imogen would mention that you should live in separate houses, you were waiting for me to create issues, you even forced the last situation, you could have told me, I am out of line or making your blood boil, no!
You were happy that it came this way, so you did not get the blame!
I just do not know why you did ever come back, you were the one breaking up all this times. Why didn’t you just leave me alone then?
After over 2 years, my ways is a sorry excuse, if you did not like my ways you ended this years ago.
You met me like this, I have even changed to the positive, but I still am the issue….no way man!
You were the one, telling me you not going any where- what a lie!
You are not in contact, no worries, but blocking me everywhere?
I thought I knew you, I truly believed this was s.th. Special, but I was so wrong, you were just another sorry experience in my life.

06.01.2013 13:21 • #25

Ich bin verloren,
ich liebe mich,
ich bin zufrieden,
doch ich schaffe es nicht dich zu vergessen,
ich halte dich in guter Erinnerung, doch es ist mehr als das.

Für mich kam es plötzlich, kein Streit, keine Eifersucht, Liebe, Geborgenheit, Vertrauen und ne Menge Spaß.
Meinungsverschiedenheinten gehören doch dazu, und wir konnten gut miteinander reden
Ich weiß ehrlich nicht was passiert ist.
Deine bisher größte Liebe….das geht mir nicht aus dem Kopf, sollte es ein Trost sein?
Ist es die Wahrheit gewesen?
War alles immer nur für den Moment?
Bekomme ich je eine Antwort?
Du hast Angst mit mir zu reden, du kannst mich nicht treffen und es mir ins Gesicht sagen?
Warum bist du stark genug um UNS zu beenden, aber nicht stark genug es persönlich zu machen?

Bist du in etwas neues geflüchtet?
Ist sie auch deine große Liebe?
Wieviel große Lieben kannst du haben?
Kannst du Liebe empfinden?

….ich glaube nicht…
….dass ich Antworten bekommen
….dass es die Wahrheit war
….dass ich die große liebe war
.…dass sie die große liebe ist
….dass du weisst was liebe ist
….dass du lieben kannst!

12.01.2013 16:38 • #26

I just like to understand, telling me I am the biggest love he ever had but he has to break the endless circle he feels like he is in. our relationship was full of love, and I trusted this love and all of a sudden it is turned off?
I never got a 2nd chance. Did he talk about it? I have no idea what happened. And he runs into the next relationship. Just like that? His next biggest love? His words of love weren’t true then? He lied to himself about me?

It is almost 4 months ago,
I learned a lot about myself, I am a strong person, I love myself and my life.
No, I do not need to share it, I gave up on my own responsibility, that pulled me into a deep hole.
I'm beginning to find the responsibility for myself again, piece by piece.
... but I would like to share, but not forget myself again.
I go my way, I do not need the hand that holds me and goes with me, I would like to though.

I forgive us that we have treated us so badly, we have communicated poorly.

I think of him a lot- in joy and good memories, he means a lot to me. I / we have arrived.
I know he has always thought so.
His love I have not understood, until it was buried, and then I understood his love.
Is it too late?
Will he remember?
He has escaped in something new, call me stupid but I can feel when he thinks of me ...

I believe in our special love story, for which he had waited so long.

... believing in his words of love, they have meaning.
I know I'm not his number one, have never been, because the children are No.1, now I'm no longer his number two, but I'm looking for the truth, I want to know that those words meant something.

I should make him happy? I thought he is satisfied with himself and can feel happy on his own, only then, a love can be fulfilling - perhaps even unconsciously, we had false expectations, of course - this leads to disappointment.
To him it must have been a love that felt initially stepped on.

I wish him the wisdom to recognize everything there is to recognize whether there is love or maybe not?
Recognize and then act accordingly.

True love is patient, unconditional and independent of external circumstances.
It is not an emotion, but a state of mind, an inner warmth you can feel, if no (negative) emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, etc. are involved, to fool me.
Love doesn’t come and doesn’t go in a short time, Love just IS.

17.01.2013 22:49 • #27

@ vivia
Du hast sehr viel Gefühl in dir....
es gibt auch jemanden für dich, der das zu schätzen weiß!

20.01.2013 19:25 • #28


x 4

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