I just like to understand, telling me I am the biggest love he ever had but he has to break the endless circle he feels like he is in. our relationship was full of love, and I trusted this love and all of a sudden it is turned off?
I never got a 2nd chance. Did he talk about it? I have no idea what happened. And he runs into the next relationship. Just like that? His next biggest love? His words of love weren’t true then? He lied to himself about me?
It is almost 4 months ago,
I learned a lot about myself, I am a strong person, I love myself and my life.
No, I do not need to share it, I gave up on my own responsibility, that pulled me into a deep hole.
I'm beginning to find the responsibility for myself again, piece by piece.
... but I would like to share, but not forget myself again.
I go my way, I do not need the hand that holds me and goes with me, I would like to though.
I forgive us that we have treated us so badly, we have communicated poorly.
I think of him a lot- in joy and good memories, he means a lot to me. I / we have arrived.
I know he has always thought so.
His love I have not understood, until it was buried, and then I understood his love.
Is it too late?
Will he remember?
He has escaped in something new, call me stupid but I can feel when he thinks of me ...
I believe in our special love story, for which he had waited so long.
... believing in his words of love, they have meaning.
I know I'm not his number one, have never been, because the children are No.1, now I'm no longer his number two, but I'm looking for the truth, I want to know that those words meant something.
I should make him happy? I thought he is satisfied with himself and can feel happy on his own, only then, a love can be fulfilling - perhaps even unconsciously, we had false expectations, of course - this leads to disappointment.
To him it must have been a love that felt initially stepped on.
I wish him the wisdom to recognize everything there is to recognize whether there is love or maybe not?
Recognize and then act accordingly.
True love is patient, unconditional and independent of external circumstances.
It is not an emotion, but a state of mind, an inner warmth you can feel, if no (negative) emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, etc. are involved, to fool me.
Love doesn’t come and doesn’t go in a short time, Love just IS.
17.01.2013 22:49 •