Die Liebe deines Lebens - wer hat es erlebt?

Mir persönlich gefällt diese Definition was seine könnte, wenn zwei Seelen aufeinander Treffen

Love is not a feeling. Love is the experience that others are not others.

Love is the natural condition of all experience before thought has divided it into a multiplicity and diversity of objects, selves and others.

We consider love to be a relationship. We consider love to be a feeling that takes place between two people. Love is not a relationship. It is the collapse of relationship. In the experience of love, the self and the other dissolve. Love is the dissolution of the apparent separation between self and other, and a revelation of the prior unity of these two apparently separate selves. So love is not an experience that the separate self has. It is the dissolution of the separate self, the revelation of reality, the revelation of consciousness. Consciousness is love.

~ Rupert Spira

26.11.2022 12:50 • #16

Ok, dann muss ich allerdings noch diesen Standpunkt dagegen halten, der mir persönlich viel besser gefällt:

26.11.2022 12:52 • x 3 #17